底下的內容是當您安裝完成 Carbide C++ IDE 工具後,會出現的說明文件,我會將這份文件放上來,是要提醒我,日後重新安裝 Carbide C++ 工具到新的電腦時候,記得也要安裝其他必要的軟體,這包括了:
ActivePerl:為了避免產生其他問題,所以,最好安裝文件中建議的版本,在底下的文件中,也附上了下載ActivePerl工具的連結,這樣,就不用那麼辛苦的到 ActiveState 網站來找到下載地方了。
S60 or UIQ SDK:這是當然一定要存在的喔。
You're not done installing just yet...
Release: 2.0.0
Revised: Nov 2008
Read the Release Notes and What's New for the latest infomation about this product. In Carbide.c++ simply click Help > Help Contents > Carbide Help.
To complete your installation and start Symbian C++ application development, you must install the following:
Installing Perl
The Carbide.c++ tools require a copy of Perl to run build scripts:
Perl (www.activestate.com)
- ActivePerl- (5.6.1 is required by Symbian tools, later versions will not work)
Installing SDKs
Also, you must install at least one of the following SDKs to develop Symbian applications:
NOTE Carbide.c++ requires SDKs built to support WINSCW format.
S60 Platform SDKs (forum.nokia.com/main/resources/tools_and_sdks/carbide/)
- S60 5th Edition
- S60 3rd Edition, FP2
- S60 3rd Edition, FP1
- S60 3rd Edition, MR
Qt SDKs (www.trolltech.com)
- Qt SDK for S60
UIQ SDKs (developer.uiq.com)
- UIQ 3.1
- UIQ 3.0
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